Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.3/II (1954)

1954 STUDIE II / STUDY II ( Electronic Music ) / sound proj. [ 3:20 ]
( 36 bound pages, cover in colour )........ 37 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.8 (1955 - 1956)

1955 to 56 GESANG DER JÜNGLINGE ( SONG OF THE YOUTHS ) Electronic Music
Facsimile Edition 2001
( special edition of all the sketches in colour )
( 308 bound pages, hard cover )........ 202 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.11 1/2 (2000)

2000 3x REFRAIN 2000 [ ca. 61:00 ]
for piano with 3 wood blocks, sampler celesta with vibraphone with 3 cow bells
and glockenspiel , sound projectionist
( 32 bound pages, music printed in two colours,
cover with Stockhausen’s original drawing in colour )....... 48 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.12 (1958 - 1960)

1958 to 60 KONTAKTE ( CONTACTS) for electronic sounds [ 35:30 ]
Realisationspartitur ( in German )
( 92 bound pages, cover in colour )....... 183 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.12 (1958 - 1960)

1958 to 60 KONTAKTE ( CONTACTS ) for electronic sounds [ 35:30 ]
Realisation Score ( in English )
( 92 bound pages, cover in colour )....... 183 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.12 1/2 (1958 - 1960)

1958 to 60 KONTAKTE ( CONTACTS ) [ 35:30 ]
for electronic sounds, piano and percussion
(pianist, percussionist, sound projectionist)
in two different editions:
preface printed on both sides, bound, score printed on one side only, loose leaf, for performances
( 24 bound pages, 38 loose-leaf pages printed on one side, 5 colour photographs, 24 black-and-white photographs, cover in colour )
preface and score printed on both sides, bound, as a study score
( 62 bound pages, 5 colour photographs, 24 black-and-white photographs,cover in colour )
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.12 2/3 (1961)

1961 ORIGINALE (ORIGINALS) Musical Theatre with Kontakte / sound proj. [ ca. 90:00 ]
(new German and English Textbook published by the Stockhausen-Verlag )........ 91 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.13 (1962 - 1964)

1962 to 69 MOMENTE ( MOMENTS )
Original Score
for solo soprano, 4 choir groups and 13 instrumentalists ( cond. )
( 99 loose-leaf sheets printed on one side [ 66 x 48 cm ], German and English prefaces
[ 28 and 108 bound pages respectively ], in special carrying case )
Recipient of the 2009 German Music Publishers Society Award....... 493 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.13 / 1972.1

1962 to 69 MOMENTE ( MOMENTS ) [ 113:00 ]
Europe Version 1972
for solo soprano, 4 choir groups and 13 instrumentalists ( cond. )
( 89 loose-leaf sheets printed on one side [66 x 48 cm ], German and English prefaces [ 20 and 92 bound pages respectively ],
in special carrying case )...... 493 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No. 13 / 1972.2

1962 to 69 ...denn die Liebe ist stärker als der Tod. [ 26:50 ]
( ...for love is stonger than death. )
(Moment i (k ) for solo soprano, 4 choir groups and 13 instrumentalists
( 48 bound pages, cover in colour )
6 individual editions of sections of the Europe Version 1972 are available in bound, reduced format.
They may be performed individually:....... 63 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.13 / 1972.3

1962 to 69 des Nachts... ( By night... ) [ 14:06 + 6:14 ]
( Duration-Moments with the Organ-Moment i ( d ) ) for solo soprano, 4 choir groups and 13 instrumentalists
( 64 bound pages, cover in colour )
6 individual editions of sections of the Europe Version 1972 are available in bound, reduced format.
They may be performed individually:....... 63 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.13 / 1972.4

1962 to 69 Klangmomente ( Sound-Moments ) [ 11:09 ]
( K-Moments ) for solo soprano, 4 choir groups and 13 instrumentalists
( 44 bound pages, cover in colour )
6 individual editions of sections of the Europe Version 1972 are available in bound, reduced format.
They may be performed individually:....... 63 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.13 / 1972.5
1962 to 69 Du, den meine Seele liebet... ( You, whom my soul loves... ) [ 25:32 ]
( Melody-Moments ) for solo soprano, 4 choir groups and 13 instrumentalists
( 64 bound pages, cover in colour )
6 individual editions of sections of the Europe Version 1972 are available in bound, reduced format.
They may be performed individually:....... 63 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.13 / 1972.6

1962 to 69 Oh daß du mir gleich einem Bruder wärest... [ 7:15 ]
( O that you were as a brother... )
(Moment i (m)) for solo soprano, 4 choir groups and 13 instrumentalists
( 36 bound pages, cover in colour )
6 individual editions of sections of the Europe Version 1972 are available in bound, reduced format.
They may be performed individually:........ 63 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.13 / 1972.7

1962 to 69 Betmoment ( Prayer-Moment ) [ 13:5 ]
(Moment i) for solo soprano, 4 choir groups and 13 instrumentalists
(40 bound pages, cover in colour)
6 individual editions of sections of the Europe Version 1972 are available in bound, reduced format.
They may be performed individually:........ 63 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.16 2/3 (2003)

2003 MIXTUR 2003 ( MIXTURE 2003 ) [ 2 x 27' ]
for 5 instrumental groups, 4 sine-wave generator players,
4 sound mixers with 4 ring modulators ( cond. ) / sound proj.
( 140 bound pages, 12 colour photographs, two sketches in colour, hard cover in colour )........ 143 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.18 2/3 (2001)

2001 STOP and START for 6 instrumental groups ( cond. ) [ 21:30 ]
( 24 bound pages, 2 colour photographs, cover in colour )
Recipient of the 2004 German Music Publishers Society Award........ 47 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.20 (1966)

1966 TELEMUSIK (TELEMUSIC) electronic music / sound proj.
(English Score published by the Stockhausen-Verlag), tape St.) [ 17:30 ]....... 99 €
Stockhausen Scores published by Universal Edition, Vienna : Work No.20 (1966)

1966 TELEMUSIK (TELEMUSIC) electronic music / sound proj.
(remaining stock of German Score published by U. E., tape St.) [ 17:30 ]....... 99 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No. 22 (1998 - 1999)

1966 to 67 HYMNEN ( ANTHEMS ) Electronic and Concrete Music / sound proj. [ ca. 114:00 ]
study score
( 100 bound pages, 19 black-and-white photographs, cover in colour )......... 58 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.22 2/3 (1969)

1969 HYMNEN ( Dritte Region ) / ANTHEMS ( Third Region ) [ ca. 42:00 ]
Electronic Music with orchestra ( cond. ) / sound proj.
( 96 bound pages, 6 colour photographs, 7 black-and-white photographs, cover in colour )........ 103 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.30 and No.31 (1969 - 1970)

1969 to 70 POLE / EXPO ( POLES / EXPO ) [ unabridged at least ca. 65 and ca. 70 min,
POLE for 2 players / singers sections at least ca. 22 and ca. 25 min.]
with 2 short-wave receivers / sound proj.
and EXPO for 3 players / singers with 3 short-wave receivers / sound proj.
( 20 bound pages, 2 black-and-white photographs )........ 22.50 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.32 (1970)

1970 MANTRA for 2 pianists [ 65:00 - 72:00 ]
( with wood blocks and antique cymbals,
sine-wave generators and ring modulators / sound proj.
in two different editions:
preface and score printed on both sides, bound ( 78 pages )
as a study score........ 36 €

preface printed on both sides, bound ( 30 pages ), score printed on one side only, loose leaf ( 74 pages ),
for performances........ 102 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.33 (1968 - 1970)

1968 to 70 FÜR KOMMENDE ZEITEN ( FOR TIMES TO COME ) [ variable durations ]
17 texts for intuitive music ( individually performable )
( 80 bound pages )........ 22.50 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.34 (1971)

1971 STERNKLANG ( STAR SOUND ) Park Music for 5 groups [ ca. 150:00 ]
( 21 singers and instrumentalists )
( 62 bound pages, 17 loose-leaf pages, 6 colour photographs, cover in colour )........ 50 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.35 (1971)

1971 TRANS for orchestra and tape (cond.) / sound proj. [ ca. 27:00 ]
( or 8-track tape and strings, piccolo trumpet, drummer )
( 148 bound pages, cover in colour )........ 61.50 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.36 1/2 (1972)

American Indian songs for 2 voices
( 40 bound pages, 1 colour photograph, cover in colour )........ 41 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.37 (1972)

1972 YLEM for 19 players / singers / sound proj. [ ca. 26:00 ]
( 24 bound pages, 1 black-and-white photograph, cover in colour )........ 27.50 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.38 (1973 - 1974)

1973 INORI Adorations for one or two soloists and orchestra [ ca. 70:00 ]
to 74 ( cond. ) / sound proj.
( 216 bound pages, 2 colour photographs, 33 black-and-white photographs, cover in colour )........ 113.50 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.38 1/2 (1974)

1974 VORTRAG ÜBER HU ( LECTURE ON HU ) [ ca. 83:00 or shorter ]
for a singer
Musical analysis of INORI in one volume with the prayer's part of INORI
for one or two dancer-mimes with orchestra or tape / sound proj.
( 152 bound pages, 224 black-and-white photographs of the prayer gestures, cover in colour with form scheme of INORI )........ 61.50 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.39 (1974 - 1977)

Choir Opera with orchestra [ or tape ] ( orchestra with cond. )
( 88 bound pages, 24 black-and-white photographs, cover in colour )........ 53.50 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.40 (1974)

1974 HERBSTMUSIK ( AUTUMN MUSIC ) [ ca. 50:00 ]
Musical Theatre for 4 players / sound proj.
with inserted booklet of the final duet
LAUB UND REGEN ( LEAVES and RAIN ) for clarinet and viola [ ca.11:00 ]
( 70 bound pages, 16-page inserted booklet, 5 colour photographs,
29 black-and-white photographs, cover in colour )........ 50 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.41 (1975)

for 6 percussionists and music boxes / sound proj.
( 102 bound pages, 2 colour photographs, 25 black-and-white photographs,
cover in colour )........ 53.50 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.41 1/2 (1974 - 1975) | No.14 2/3 - 6/7 (1974 - 1975 ) | No. 41 7/8 (1974 - 1977) | No.41 8/9 (1974 - 1981) | No.41 9/10 (1974 - 1983) | No.41 10/11 (1974 - 1983)

1974 / 1975 TIERKREIS ( ZODIAC ) 12 Melodies of the Star Signs [ ca. 26:00 ]
for a melody and/or a chordal instrument
( 28 bound pages )........ 29.50 €

1974 / 1975 TIERKREIS ( ZODIAC ) for voice and chordal instrument [ ca. 26:00 each ]
for high soprano or high tenor and chordal instrument
( 36 bound pages, cover in colour )........ 29.50 €

1974 / 1975 TIERKREIS ( ZODIAC ) for voice and chordal instrument [ ca. 26:00 each ]
for soprano or tenor and chordal instrument
( 36 bound pages, cover in colour )........ 29.50 €

1974 / 1975 TIERKREIS ( ZODIAC ) for voice and chordal instrument [ ca. 26:00 each ]
for mezzo soprano or alto or low tenor and chordal instrument
( 36 bound pages, cover in colour )........ 29.50 €

1974 / 1975 TIERKREIS ( ZODIAC ) for voice and chordal instrument [ ca. 26:00 each ]
for baritone and chordal instrument
( 36 bound pages, cover in colour )........ 29.50 €

1974 / 1975 TIERKREIS ( ZODIAC ) for voice and chordal instrument [ ca. 26:00 each ]
for bass and chordal instrument
( 36 bound pages, cover in colour )........ 29.50 €

1974 / 1977 TIERKREIS ( ZODIAC ) for chamber orchestra ( perhaps cond. ) [ ca. 24:00 ]
( clarinet, horn, bassoon, strings )
( 32 bound pages, cover in colour )....... 29.50 €

1974/ 1981 TIERKREIS ( ZODIAC ) for clarinet and piano [ ca. 24:00 ]
( 48 bound pages, cover in colour )....... 29.50 €

1974 / 1983 TIERKREIS ( ZODIAC ) Trio Version [ ca. 29:00 ]
for clarinet, flute and piccolo, trumpet and piano / sound proj.
( 76 bound pages, with 64 colour photographs, cover in colour )....... 87 €

1974 / 2003 TIERKREIS Version 2003 [ ca. 29:00 ]
for tenor or soprano and synthesizer
( 56 bound pages, cover in colour )....... 58 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work Nr.41 11/12 (1974 - 2004)

for orchestra ( cond. ) [ ca. 11:00 ]
( 56 bound pages, 3 colour photographs, cover in colour )........ 58 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work Nr. 41 12/13 (1974 - 2007)

for orchestra ( cond. ) [ ca. 21:00 ]
( 96 bound pages, 3 colour photographs, cover in colour )........ 83 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag: Work Nr. 1. ex 41 12/13 (1974 / 2007)

1974 / 2007 TAURUS for bassoon [ ca. 4:00 ]
( 8 bound pages, cover in colour )........ 33 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag: Work Nr. 2. ex 42 12/13 (1974 / 2007)

1974 / 2007 TAURUS-QUINTET for tuba, trumpet, bassoon, horn, trombone [ ca. 4:00 ]
(folder with score in C, 10 bound pages, cover in colour with Stockhausen’s original drawing,
plus performance material: 5 loose-leaf parts for tuba, trumpet, bassoon, horn in F and trombone)........ 63 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.42 (1975)

1975 HARLEKIN (HARLEQUIN) for clarinet [ ca. 45:00 ]
( 52 bound pages, 25 colour photographs of HARLEQUIN on the cover )........ 49 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.42 1/2 (1975)

1975 DER KLEINE HARLEKIN ( THE LITTLE HARLEQUIN ) for clarinet [ ca. 9:00 ]
( 20 bound pages, 9 colour photographs of THE LITTLE HARLEQUIN on the cover )........ 26.50 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.43 (1975 - 1977)

1975 to 77 SIRIUS Electronic Music [ 96:00 ]
and trumpet, soprano, bass clarinet, bass / sound proj.
( coloured box containing 12 individual booklets, 41 colour photographs,
32 black-and-white photographs )........ 130 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.43 1/2 (1977 - 1980)

1977 / 1980 ARIES for trumpet and electronic music / sound proj. [ 15:00 ]
( 16 bound pages of preface, 23 unbound pages of the score, cover in colour )........ 27.50 €
Stockhausen Zuspiel - CDs / Rehearsal - CDs

Rehearsal - CD Electronic Music for ARIES................ 26 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.43 2/3 (1977)

1977 LIBRA for bass clarinet and electronic music / sound proj. [ 33:00 ]
This edition comprises two scores: one with the bass clarinet untransposed
and one with bass clarinet transposed.
( 108 bound pages, 11 colour photographs, cover in colour )........ 74 €
Stockhausen Zuspiel - CDs / Rehearsal - CDs

Rehearsal - CD Electronic Music for LIBRA................ 26 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.43 3/4 (1977)

1977 CAPRICORN for bass and electronic music / sound proj. [ ca. 28:00 ]
( 60 bound pages, cover in colour )........ 68 €
Stockhausen Zuspiel - CDs / Rehearsal - CDs

Rehearsal - CD Electronic Music for CAPRICORN = CD 76 of the Stockhausen Complete Edition........ 79 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.44 (1976)

1974/76 AMOUR 5 pieces for clarinet [ ca. 26:00 ]
( 20 bound pages, cover in colour )........ 36 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.44 1/2 (1976 - 1981)

1976 / 1981 AMOUR for flute [ ca. 29:00 ]
( 20 bound pages, cover in colour )........ 36 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.44 3/4 (1976 - 2003)

1976 / 2003 AMOUR for saxophone [ ca. 29:00 ]
( 24 bound pages, cover in colour )........ 36 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.45 (1977)

1977 JUBILÄUM ( JUBILEE ) for orchestra ( cond. ) / sound proj. [ 16:00 ]
( 52 bound pages, cover in colour )........ 43 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.46 (1977) | No.46 1/2 (1977) | No.46 2/3 (1977) | No.46 3/4 (1977) | No.46 4/5 (1977) | | No.46 5/6 (1977) | No.46 6/7 (1977) | No.46 7/8 (1977) | No.46 8/9 (1977) | No. 46 9/10 | No.46 10/11 (1977) | No.46 11/12 (1977) | No.46 12/13 (1977) | No.46 13/14 (1977) | No.46 14/15
Individual editions for clarinet; flute; recorder; oboe; bassoon;
basset-horn or bass clarinet; saxophone; violin;
viola ( sketch in colour ); cello; double bass ( sketch in colour ); horn;
trumpet ( music printed in three colours ); trombone; tuba.
( 12 bound pages, cover in colour )

1977 IN FREUNDSCHAFT ( IN FRIENDSHIP ) for clarinet....... 23.50 €

1977 IN FREUNDSCHAFT ( IN FRIENDSHIP ) for flute....... 23.50 €

1977 IN FREUNDSCHAFT ( IN FRIENDSHIP ) for oboe....... 23.50 €

1977 IN FREUNDSCHAFT ( IN FRIENDSHIP ) for bassoon....... 23.50 €

1977 IN FREUNDSCHAFT ( IN FRIENDSHIP ) for basset-horn or bass clarinet....... 23.50 €

1977 IN FREUNDSCHAFT ( IN FRIENDSHIP ) for violin....... 23.50 €

1977 IN FREUNDSCHAFT ( IN FRIENDSHIP ) for viola....... 23.50 €

1977 IN FREUNDSCHAFT ( IN FRIENDSHIP ) for violoncello....... 23.50 €

1977 IN FREUNDSCHAFT ( IN FRIENDSHIP ) for double bass....... 23.50 €

1977 IN FREUNDSCHAFT ( IN FRIENDSHIP ) for saxophone....... 23.50 €

1977 IN FREUNDSCHAFT ( IN FRIENDSHIP ) for trumpet....... 33 €

1977 IN FREUNDSCHAFT ( IN FRIENDSHIP ) for horn....... 23.50 €

1977 IN FREUNDSCHAFT ( IN FRIENDSHIP ) for trombone....... 23.50 €

1977 IN FREUNDSCHAFT ( IN FRIENDSHIP ) for tuba....... 23.50 €

1977 IN FREUNDSCHAFT ( IN FRIENDSHIP ) for recorder....... 23.50 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : (1978)

1978 KADENZEN ( CADENZAS ) for the Mozart Clarinet Concerto
( 8 bound pages, cover in colour )........ 19.50 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : (1984 - 1985)

1984 / 1985 KADENZEN ( CADENZAS ) for the Mozart Flute Concertos in G and D
( 12 bound pages, cover in colour )........ 19.50 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : (1984)

1984 KADENZ ( CADENZA ) for the Leopold Mozart Trumpet Concerto
( 8 bound pages, cover in colour )........ 19.50 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : (1983 - 1985)