Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No. 64 (1991 -1994)

1991 to 94 FREITAG - VERSUCHUNG ( FRIDAY TEMPTATION ) [ ca. 145:00 ]
for 5 musical performers
( soprano, baritone, bass, flute, basset-horn ) /
children’s orchestra, children’s choir, 12 choir singers /
a synthesizer player / 12 couples of dancer-mimes ( ad lib. in concert performances ) /
electronic music with sound scenes ( 20-track tape ) / sound proj.
( 312 bound pages, 10 sketches, 226 colour photographs, 2 black-and-white photographs,
cover in colour )........ 206.50 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag

1991 / 94 TEXTS of FRIDAY from LIGHT
with photographs of the staged world première at the Leipzig Opera 1996
( 88 bound pages, 54 black-and-white photographs, cover in colour )........ 65 €
In addition to the score of the opera, excerpts have also been published
which may be performed separately in concerts:
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No. 1. ex 64 (1994)

1994 ANTRAG ( PROPOSAL ) [ 12:30 ]
for soprano, bass / flute, basset-horn /
electronic music / sound proj.
1st real scene of FRIDAY from LIGHT
( 24 bound pages, 2 inserted booklets with fingerings for basset-horn and flute,
2 sketches, 5 colour photographs, 1 black-and-white photograph, cover in colour )........ 38 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work 2. ex 64 (1994)

2nd, 3rd and 4th real scenes of FRIDAY from LIGHT
( individually performable ):
( 54 bound pages, 2 inserted booklets with fingerings for basset-horn and flute,
2 sketches, 5 colour photographs, 2 black-and-white photographs, cover in colour )
This score contains:
( for example 16 instruments )
and soprano ( also as cond. ) / flute, basset-horn / a synthesizer player /
electronic music / sound proj.
( for example 24 voices )
and bass ( also as cond. ) / a synthesizer player /
electronic music / sound proj.
for children's orchestra, children's choir, soprano ( also as cond. ), bass /
flute, basset-horn / a synthesizer player / electronic music / sound proj......... 53 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No. 5. ex 64 (1994)

1994 ZUSTIMMUNG (CONSENT) [ 9:00 ]
for soprano, bass / flute, basset-horn / electronic music / sound proj.
5th real scene of FRIDAY from LIGHT
( 24 bound pages, 2 inserted loose pages with fingerings for basset-horn and flute,
2 sketches, 5 colour photographs, 2 black-and-white photographs, cover in colour )........ 38 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No. 6. ex 64 (1994)

1994 FALL [ 18:00 ]
for soprano, baritone / flute, basset-horn / electronic music / sound proj.
6th real scene of FRIDAY from LIGHT
( 28 bound pages, 3 sketches, 5 colour photographs, 1 black-and-white photograph,
cover in colour )........ 38 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No. 7. ex 64 (1994)

1994 KINDER - KRIEG (CHILDREN'S WAR) [ 18:00 ]
for children's choir ( possibly cond. ) / synthesizer / possibly basset-horn /
electronic music / sound proj.
7th real scene of FRIDAY from LIGHT
( 28 bound pages, 2 sketches, 5 colour photographs, cover in colour )........ 38 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No. 8. ex 64 (1994)

1994 REUE ( REPENTANCE ) [ 10:00 ]
for soprano, flute, basset-horn /
electronic music / sound proj.
8th real scene of FRIDAY from LIGHT
( 24 bound pages, 2 inserted booklets with fingerings for basset-horn and flute,
2 sketches, 9 colour photographs, cover in colour )........ 38 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No. 9. ex 64 (1991)

1991 ELUFA for basset-horn, flute /
electronic music ad lib. / sound proj. [ 7:30 ]
9th real scene of FRIDAY from LIGHT
( 32 bound pages, 15 colour photographs, cover in colour )........ 47 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No. 9 3/4 ex 64 (2003)

2003 VIBRA - ELUFA for vibraphone [ 7:30 ]
( 12 bound pages, cover in colour )........ 42 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No. 10. ex 64 (1994)

1994 CHOR - SPIRALE ( CHOIR SPIRAL ) for 12 choir singers [ 6:00 ]
( 3 S, 3 A, 6 B ) / electronic music / sound proj.
10th real scene of FRIDAY from LIGHT
( 12 bound pages, 2 sketches, 1 colour photograph, 1 black-and-white photograph, cover in colour )........ 26 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No. 9 1/2 ex 64 (1991)

1991 FREIA for flute [ 7:00 ]
( 24 bound pages, 1 colour photograph, one black-and-white photograph, cover in colour )........ 29.50 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No. 9 2/3 ex 64 (1991)

1991 FREIA for basset-horn [ 7:00 ]
( 28 bound pages, 5 colour photographs, cover in colour )........ 32.50 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No. 63 1/2 (1995)

for tape, stringed piano, electronic keyboards ad lib. /
sound proj.
(24 bound pages, cover in colour)........ 33.50 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No.63 1/2 ossia (1995 - 1999)

Version for synthesizer and stringed piano with tape
by Antonio Pérez Abellán
( 36 bound pages, 3 colour photographs cover in colour )........ 48 €
For rehearsals and stereo performances, the compact disc
Electronic Music for PIANO PIECE XVI may be ordered.
Stockhausen Zuspiel-CD / Rehearsal-CD

Rehearsal - CD Electronic and Concrete Music for KLAVIERSTÜCK XVI.............. 26 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No. 7 1/2 ex 64 (1994 - 1999)

1994 / 99 KOMET ( COMET ) as PIANO PIECE XVII [ circa 15:00 ]
for electronic keyboard, electronic and concrete music,
sound proj.
( 40 bound pages, cover in colour )........ 41 €
Stockhausen Scores published by the Stockhausen-Verlag : Work No. 7 2/3 ex 64 (1994 - 1999)

1994 / 99 KOMET ( COMET ) [ circa 15:00 ]
Version for a percussionist, electronic and concrete music, sound proj
For rehearsals and stereo performances, the compact disc CD 64
Electronic Music for COMET may be ordered.
Stockhausen Zuspiel-CD / Rehearsal-CD

Rehearsal - CD Electronic Music for KOMET ( CD 64 )................ 26 €