Stockhausen - A Theological Interpretation by Thomas Ulrich

Immerwährender Kalender mit Stockhausen-Zitaten und -Abbildungen
Perpetual calendar with Stockhausen quotes and illustrations
( 740 bound pages in German and English, hard cover,
365 illustrations in colour, Stockhausen Foundation for Music, 2012 )
Text language: German and English....... 102 €
Hermann Conen: Formel-Komposition

Hermann Conen: Formel-Komposition
Zu Karlheinz Stockhausens Musik der siebziger Jahre
(280 bound pages, hard cover in colour, 129 illustrations,
Stockhausen Foundation for Music, 2009)
Text language: German....... 52 €
Jonathan Cott: STOCKHAUSEN. Conversations ( in English )

Jonathan Cott: STOCKHAUSEN. Conversations with the Composer
( Paperback, 240 pages, in English, Pan Books Ltd., London, 1974 )........ 13.50 €
Michael Kurtz: Stockhausen. Eine Biographie ( in German )

Michael Kurtz: Stockhausen, Eine Biographie ( in German, Bärenreiter, Kassel, 1988 )........ 17.50 €
Dettloff Schwerdtfeger: DONNERSTAG aus LICHT ( in German )

Dettloff Schwerdtfeger: Karlheinz Stockhausens Oper DONNERSTAG aus LICHT -
Ziel und Anfang einer kompositorischen Entwicklung
( 80 bound pages, in German, 16 illustrations, Stockhausen Foundation for Music, 2000 )....... 23 €
Günter Peters: Heiliger Ernst im Spiel ( German / English )

Günter Peters: Heiliger Ernst im Spiel - Texte zur Musik von Karlheinz Stockhausen
Holy Seriousness in the Play - Essays on the Music of Karlheinz Stockhausen
( 308 bound pages, in German and English, hard cover, 66 illustrations in colour and black and white,
Stockhausen Foundation for Music, 2003 )........ 52 €
Richard Toop: SUNDAY FAREWELL – A Report ( in English )

( 22 pages in English with numerous musical examples and 2 colour photographs )....... 12 €
Richard Toop: Six Lectures Stockhausen Courses 2002 ( in English )
K. Stockhausen: Ein Schlüssel für MOMENTE

Karlheinz Stockhausen: Ein Schlüssel für MOMENTE ( A Key to MOMENTE )
The first 14 sketches and 13 second sketches of MOMENTE, together with a foreword, were published in a limited edition of 250 copies in June 1971, by Edition Boczkowski, Kassel, Germany.
The remaining copies of this 4-colour art book may be purchased from the Stockhausen-Verlag........ 72.50 €
K. Stockhausen: TEXTE zur MUSIK 1963 - 1984 ( in German )
Karlheinz Stockhausen: TEXTE zur MUSIK 1963 - 1984 ( formerly DuMont-Buchverlag,
Köln, since 1991 published by the Stockhausen-Verlag, Kürten, in German )
K. Stockhausen: TEXTE zur MUSIK 1977 - 1984 ( Stockhausen-Verlag, Kürten, in German )

Vol. 6: Texts on Music 1977 - 1984
TEXTE zur MUSIK 1984 –1991 ( Stockhausen-Verlag, Kürten, in German )
Contents of Vol 6.pdf (PDF)
Vol. 5 + Vol. 6 (2 Books) :....... 81.50 €
K. Stockhausen: TEXTE zur MUSIK 1984 - 1991 ( Stockhausen-Verlag, Kürten, in German )

Vol. 7: New information about works before LIGHT -
About LIGHT up until MONDAY from LIGHT - MONDAY from LIGHT
Contents of Vol 7.pdf (PDF)
K. Stockhausen: TEXTE zur MUSIK 1991 –1998 ( Stockhausen-Verlag, Kürten, in German )

Vol. 11: Nachsätze: Zu KREUZSPIEL (1951) bis LIBRA (1977) – Werktreue – Ergänzendes zu LICHT
(464 pages, hard cover in colour, with numerous musical examples, sketches in colour,
Stockhausen-Stiftung für Musik, 2014)....... 53 €
Contents of Vol 11.pdf (PDF)

Vol. 12: FREITAG aus LICHT – Neue Konzertpraxis
(436 pages, hard cover in colour, with numerous musical examples, sketches in colour,
Stockhausen-Stiftung für Musik, 2014)....... 53 €
Contents of Vol 12.pdf (PDF)

Vol. 13: MITTWOCH aus LICHT – Elektronische Musik
(496 pages, hard cover in colour, with numerous musical examples, sketches in colour,
Stockhausen-Stiftung für Musik, 2014)....... 53 €
Contents of Vol 13.pdf (PDF)

Vol. 14: Über Musik, Kunst, Gott und die Welt – Blickwinkel – Komponistenalltag
(508 pages, hard cover in colour, with numerous musical examples, sketches in colour,
Stockhausen-Stiftung für Musik, 2014)....... 53 €
Contents of Vol 14.pdf (PDF)
K. Stockhausen: TEXTE zur MUSIK 1998 –2007 ( Stockhausen-Verlag, Kürten, in German )

Vol. 15: SONNTAG aus LICHT– Neue Einzelwerke – Stockhausen-Kurse Kürten
(516 pages, hard cover in colour, with numerous musical examples, sketches in colour,
Stockhausen-Stiftung für Musik, 2014)....... 53 €
Contents of Vol 15.pdf (PDF)

Vol. 16: LICHT-Reflexe – Seitenzweige – Klangproduktion / Klangprojektion
(580 pages, hard cover in colour, with numerous musical examples, sketches in colour,
Stockhausen-Stiftung für Musik, 2014)....... 53 €
Contents of Vol 16.pdf (PDF)

Vol. 17: KLANG-Zyklus – Geist und Musik – Ausblicke
560 pages, hard cover in colour, with numerous musical examples, sketches in colour,
Stockhausen-Stiftung für Musik, 2014)....... 53 €
Contents of Vol 17.pdf (PDF)
Karlheinz Stockhausen bei den Internationalen Ferienkursen für Neue Musik in Darmstadt 1951–1996 ( in German )

Karlheinz Stockhausen bei den Internationalen Ferienkursen für Neue Musik in Darmstadt 1951–1996 /
Karlheinz Stockhausen at the International Vacation Courses for New
Music in Darmstadt 1951 - 1996 – documents and letters
( 646 bound pages, in German, 105 black - and - white photographs, hard cover, Stockhausen Foundation for Music, 2001 )......... 102 €
Contents of Stockhausen in Darmstadt.pdf (PDF)
K. Stockhausen: Kompositorische Grundlagen Neuer Musik. Sechs Seminare für die Darmstädter Ferienkurse 1970

Karlheinz Stockhausen: Kompositorische Grundlagen Neuer Musik.
Sechs Seminare für die Dar mstädter Ferienkurse 1970
( 304 bound pages in German, hard cover, 91 illustrations, sketches in colour,
Stockhausen Foundation for Music, 2009 )........ 53 €
Contents of Darmstadt 1970 Seminare.pdf (PDF)
Karel Goeyvaerts – Karlheinz Stockhausen
K. Stockhausen: Die Kunst, zu Hören

Karlheinz Stockhausen: Die Kunst, zu Hören -
A musical analysis of the composition IN FRIENDSHIP
( 24 pages in German with numerous musical examples )........ 14 €
K. Stockhausen: The Art, to Listen

Karlheinz Stockhausen: The Art, to Listen - A musical analysis of the composition
(24 pages in English with numerous musical examples)........ 14 €
K. Stockhausen: Introduction to MANTRA

Karlheinz Stockhausen: Introduction to MANTRA
( 16 pages in English with numerous musical example
and a postcard with the MANTRA formula in colour )........ 16 €
Gedenkschrift für Stockhausen ( in German, English, French, Dutch, Italian )

( 246 bound pages with texts in German, English, French, Dutch, Italian,
hard cover in colour, many illustrations, Stockhausen Foundation for Music, 2008 )........ 43 €
The following booklets with work analyses and programme texts were written by
Stockhausen for his composition seminar during the
Stockhausen Courses Kuerten since 1998:
Facsimile edition with sketches of ORCHESTER - FINALISTEN

Special facsimile edition printed for the composition seminar of the Stockhausen Courses
Kuerten 1998 with 23 major sketches and complete manuscript of
for orchestra and electronic music, sound projectionist........ 27.50 €
Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 1998

Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 1998........ 17.50 €
Facsimile edition with sketches of WELT - PARLAMENT

Special facsimile edition printed for the composition seminar of the Stockhausen Courses
Kuerten 1999 with 22 major sketches and explanations of WELT - PARLAMENT
( WORLD PARLIAMENT ) for choir a cappella, 1st scene of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT )
........ 27.50 €
Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 1999

Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 1999........ 17.50 €
Facsimile edition with sketches and analysis of SIRIUS

Special facsimile edition printed for the composition seminar of the Stockhausen Courses
Kuerten 2000 with sketches and explanations of SIRIUS........ 27.50 €
Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2000

Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2000........ 17.50 €
Facsimile edition with sketches of LICHTER - WASSER

Special facsimile edition printed for the composition seminar of the Stockhausen Courses
Kuerten 2001 with sketches and explanations of LICHTER - WASSER
( LIGHTS - WATERS ), 1st scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT )........ 38 €
Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2001

Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2001........ 18 €
Facsimile edition with sketches of DER KINDERFÄNGER

Special facsimile edition printed for the composition seminar of the Stockhausen Courses
Kuerten 2002 with sketches and explanations of DER KINDERFÄNGER ( THE PIED PIPER )........ 27.50 €
Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2002

Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2002........ 18 €
Facsimile edition with sketches of HOCH - ZEITEN for choir

Special facsimile edition printed for the composition seminar of the Stockhausen Courses
Kuerten 2003 with sketches and explanations of HOCH - ZEITEN ( HIGH - TIMES )
for choir, 5th scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT........ 38 €
Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2003

Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2003......... 18 €
Facsimile edition with sketches of HOCH - ZEITEN for orchestra

Special facsimile edition published for the composition seminar of the Stockhausen Courses
Kuerten 2004 with sketches in colour and explanations of HOCH - ZEITEN
( HIGH - TIMES ) for orchestra, 5th scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT........ 33 €
Facsimile edition with sketches of DÜFTE - ZEICHEN

Special facsimile edition published for the composition seminar of the Stockhausen Courses
Kuerten 2004 with sketches in colour and explanations of DÜFTE - ZEICHEN
( SCENTS - SIGNS ) for 7 vocalists, boy's voice, synthesizer / sound projectionist,
4th scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT........ 38 €
Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2004

Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2004....... 23 €
Facsimile edition with sketches of LICHT - BILDER

Special facsimile edition published for the composition seminar of the Stockhausen Courses
Kuerten 2005 with sketches in colour and explanations of LICHT - BILDER ( LIGHT PICTURES )
for basset - horn, flute with ring modulation, tenor, trumpet with ring modulation,
synthesizer / sound projectionist ( 3rd scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT )....... 43 €
Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2005

Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2005....... 23 €
Facsimile edition with sketches of HIMMELFAHRT

Special facsimile edition published for the composition seminar of the Stockhausen Courses
Kuerten 2006 with sketches in colour and explanations of KLANG ( SOUND ), First Hour:....... 43 €
Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2006

Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2006........ 23 €
Facsimile edition with sketches of FREUDE

Special facsimile edition published for the composition seminar of the Stockhausen Courses
Kuerten 2007 with sketches in colour and explanations of KLANG ( SOUND ),
Second Hour: FREUDE ( JOY ) for 2 harps........ 43 €
Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2007

Programme books of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2007........ 23 €
Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2008

Programme books of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2008........ 23 €
Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2009

Programme books of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2009........ 23 €
Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2010

Programme books of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2010........ 23 €
Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2011

Programme books of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2011........ 23 €
Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2013

Programme books of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2013........ 23 €
Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2015

Programme books of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2015........ 23 €
Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2017

Programme books of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2017........ 23 €
Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2019

Programme books of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2019........ 23 €
A limited number of the programmes which were printed by Teatro alla Scala, Milan, on the occasion of the world première of THURSDAY from LIGHT in 1981, of the world première of SATURDAY from LIGHT in 1984 and of MONDAY from LIGHT in 1988 are available for purchase. They include the libretto in German and Italian, numerous photos of rehearsals, drawings of the sets and costumes, as well as explanatory texts about the works. Likewise available for purchase is a limited number of programmes printed on the occasion of the new staging of THURSDAY from LIGHT in 1985 by the Royal Opera London. They include the entire libretto in German and English. A limited number of the comprehensive programmes which were printed on the occasion of the world premières at the Leipzig Opera of TUESDAY from LIGHT (1993) and FRIDAY from LIGHT (1996), and of the world première at the Cologne Opera of SUNDAY from LIGHT (2011) are also still available. The programme for TUESDAY from LIGHT is in German and those of FRIDAY from LIGHT, SUNDAY from LIGHT and WEDNESDAY from LIGHT are in German and English. All include numerous texts, photographs and drawings.
DONNERSTAG aus LICHT ( La Scala, 1981 )

( La Scala Milan 1981 )........ 44 €
DONNERSTAG aus LICHT ( Covent Garden, 1985 )

( Royal Opera London 1985 )........ 44 €
SAMSTAG aus LICHT ( La Scala, 1984 )

SAMSTAG aus LICHT / SATURDAY from LIGHT ( La Scala Milan 1984 )........ 44 €
MONTAG aus LICHT ( La Scala, 1988 )

MONTAG aus LICHT / MONDAY from LIGHT ( La Scala Milan 1988 )........ 44 €
DIENSTAG aus LICHT ( Leipzig Opera, 1993 )

DIENSTAG aus LICHT / TUESDAY from LIGHT ( Leipzig Opera 1993 )....... 44 €
FREITAG aus LICHT ( Leipzig Opera, 1996 )

FREITAG aus LICHT / FRIDAY from LIGHT ( Leipzig Opera 1996 )........ 44 €
SONNTAG aus LICHT ( Cologne Opera, 2011 )

SONNTAG aus LICHT ( Cologne Opera, 2011 )....... 44 €
MITTWOCH aus LICHT ( Birmingham Opera 2012 )

MITTWOCH aus LICHT ( Birmingham Opera 2012 )....... 44 €
Facsimile edition with sketches of GESANG DER JÜNGLINGE

1955 to 56 GESANG DER JÜNGLINGE ( SONG OF THE YOUTHS ) Electronic Music
Facsimile Edition 2001
( special edition of all the sketches in colour )
( 308 bound pages, hard cover )....... 202 €
Stockhausen Band 1 : By Rudolf Frisius

Stockhausen Band 1.
(Einfuhrung in das Gesamtwerk. Gesprache mit Karlheinz Stockhausen). By Rudolf Frisius.
Text language: German.
368 pages. Published by Schott Music ....... 52 €
Stockhausen Band 2 : By Rudolf Frisius

Stockausen Band 2. ( Die Werke ). By Rudolf Frisius.
Text language: German.
396 pages. Published by Schott Music ....... 52 €
Stockhausen Band 3 : By Rudolf Frisius

Stockausen Band 3. ( Die Werkzyklen ). By Rudolf Frisius.
Text language: German.
656 pages. Published by Schott Music ....... 52 €