Stockhausen Films : DVD No. 8
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Stockhausen Films : DVD No. 8.a
VORTRAG ÜBER HU / LECTURE ON HU ( colour film by Suzanne Stephens, 1998 )
( Archive No. 107 / 1 )
Duration: 83 minutes.
Contents: Live recording of the first integral performance of LECTURE ON HU in German with Kathinka
Pasveer on April 5th 1998 at the Audimax of the Technical College in Darmstadt.
Language: German
( German ) DVD-PAL ( Europe )................ 25 €
( German ) DVD-NTSC ( USA )................... 25 €
Stockhausen Films : DVD No. 8.b
VORTRAG ÜBER HU / LECTURE ON HU ( colour film by Suzanne Stephens, 2003 )
( Archive No. 149 / 2 )
Duration: 83 minutes.
Contents: Live recording of the integral performance of LECTURE ON HU in English with Kathinka
Pasveer on August 17th 2003 at the Sülztalhalle in Kürten during the Stockhausen Courses
Kürten 2003.
Language: English
( English ) DVD-PAL ( Europe )................ 25 €
( English ) DVD-NTSC ( USA )................... 25 €